About Us

It all began with a single ripe cherry tomato from our tiny backyard garden, in the middle of big city Northern California.

We were so sold on the lifestyle of homesteading that we jumped in with both feet.

Every year our garden has gotten larger, we have added quite a few animals over the years, preserved countless jars of vegetables we harvested, shared many meals with our community from things raised and grown right on our property.

We never let smaller spaces stop us from doing as much as we could to dig even further into the homesteading lifestyle.

We work daily to hone our skill, be forever learners, always try to fail forward, and create a life we don’t need a vacation from.

We are passionate about teaching others how to gain the same skills.

Educate, Encourage, + Equip is the cry of our hearts in helping others find fullness in this simple life, and create food freedom, and community suitability.


Jen is a disciple wife, mama, homesteader, homemaker, master herbalist, and ministry leader.

With a passion for people, she is our main teacher + workshop leader.

With 10 years of herbal training and experience she teaches herbal classes, foraging, and building a natural home.

She homeschools our 4 children, loves to cook (food is her love language), and can often be found outside, hanging with the goats, or wandering through the garden or pasture.


Disciple, husband, father, veteran + the glue that holds us all together.

Joey is quick to jump in and help anyone who needs it, the most loyal human you will ever know.

As a hunter, angler and all-around outdoor enthusiast you can normally find him, in the woods during any given hunting season, on the banks of the river with a fly rod in hand, or around the farm working through the ‘honey-do’ list.

He is our resident butcher, and grill master and heavy lifter!

This farm would not function without him

On this farm

We believe in the one and only living God! We live open handed to go where He needs us, give what He needs us to give, serve how He needs us to serve.

On this farm we;

Grow our own produce + healing plants.

Raise out own meat + hunt for meat sources and conservation.

Forage for what our area provides to nourish + heal our family.

Nourish our bodies by cooking and eating whole foods + using natural health and wellness product in and on our bodies as well as in our home.

Preserve our bounty for later use, and to be able to share with our community