Spring Detox Tea

Spring! Days are longer, sun is warmer, the breeze smells fresh and new.

This is the time when the itch to fling the windows open wide, shake out all the dust, pack away the heavy blankets, redress the windows in delicate lace to allow the beautiful warming, cleansing sun to shine through into what was once closed up tight.

While most of us enjoy a good spring cleaning session in our homes, we often over look the one thing we should be cleaning out and shaking the dust off of… our bodies!

Winter tends to mean heavier meals, nourishing and hearty to warm the bones and fill the belly. Days spent inside cozied up. A little over indulgence around the holidays all leads us to a place where our bodies need a good spring cleaning as well.

This lovely Spring Detox tea blend is the perfect way to gently remove built up toxins and prepare our bodies for the next season. Lighter meals, spring veggies, the fruit.. oh the fruit! My mouth is watering thinking about summer bounty. But first, let’s dust… so to speak!

Spring Detox Tea Recipe

  • 1 part Dandelion Root

  • 1 part Burdock Root

  • 1 part dead nettle

  • 1 part oatstraw or milky oat tops

  • 1 part stinging nettle

  • 1 part peppermint or spearmint

  • Honey

Mix all of your ingredients in a clean glass bowl or mason jar. Bring water to a boil. Pour water over herbs and allow them to steep for 8-12 mins. Sweeten to taste. Enjoy! Any unfinished tisane can be kept in the fridge for 3-4 days.

This blend can also be decocted - place herbs in sauce pan, cover with 4 cups of water. Bring water and herbs to a boil. Turn the heat down to medium low. Allow mixture to simmer until liquid has reduced by half. Strain. Sweeten to taste. Enjoy! Unfinished tisane can be kept in the fridge for 3-4 days.

I use parts in the recipe so you can make as much or as little as you would like. One part could be 1tsp or 1 cup! It’s totally up to you, you can also play the with ratios if you happen to prefer one flavor over the others. The beautiful thing about herbal infusions is they can easily be customized to your taste.

One of my favorite ways to make this tea is in a half gallon mason jar and set it out in the sun on the front porch for a healthy and yummy sun tea.

I hope you enjoy this recipe!


Purple Dead Nettle and Why You Should Forage For Them!